Welcome to My Life Jump

If you want to jump to your best life, you’re in the right place.

Come create your best “Third Act” with us (life after 50).

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Do you want to jump to your best life?

I’m Debra and I’m thrilled to introduce ‘My Life Jump‘, a venture bourn from my four-decade journey as mother to 3 outstanding human beings and an extraordinary career as a lawyer, turned business transformation expert who helped organisations achieve exceptional results.

Through this amazing life journey to date, I discovered a major problem in our world. People aged 50 and over give it to all to family and work on the treadmill of life, but on the other side, they often struggle to stand back and create their best lives from there on – their “Third Act”.

That’s why I decided to train as a Certified Results Coach and founded a new business venture dedicated to helping people aged 50 and over jump to their best lives.

What We Do

Learn how to jump to a more fulfilled and joyful life


Self: Bring the best vision of me to my life


Purpose : Work out what I’m here
to do and be


Connection : Find my tribe through loving relationships

How it works:

This system will clarify your purpose, verify your path and help you jump to your best life


Power up the possibilities

Is there a bigger picture I’m not seeing? Use science-based tools and research to open up life’s possiblitlities.


Uncover what I’m here to do and be

Go deep to realise what really matters and cut through to the overall vision of who I want to be, how I want to contribute and what I want to experience in life


Design the plan to get there

Use world leading studies and thinkers to set specific goals for my life.


Overcome what’s holding me back

Gain insight into what’s been holding me back in the past and how to breakthrough.


to live my
best life

Grow willpower to set a new standard for myself and to meet it.


Master life’s challenges ahead

Build new skills and mindset to tackle future challenges so I don’t get derailed

Would you like to Join us at My Life Jump and redefine what the coming decades mean for you? Follow us on My life jump LinkedIn | My life jump Facebook | My life jump Instagram for updates.

#MyLifeJump #ThirdActBreakthrough #LifeBeyond50